- Fee is to be paid according to the instructions printed on the fee book, provided at the time of Admission.
- Students will not be allowed to sit for the examination unless all dues have been cleared prior to its commencement.
- The school does not take any responsibility of sending reminders to parents to pay school fees.
- The School fees are to be paid regularly at the School Campus.
- One time charges include the following: Examination, Magazine, Computer Lab, Smart Class, Activity Room, Games and Sports, Electricity and Water, various school functions and activities.
- In case of new admission, all dues are to be paid at the time of admission.
- Fees are non-refundable.
- The fee is to be paid quarterly by the 7th of month i.e. April, July, Oct., Jan. In case of late submitting the fee on time a fine of Rs. 5/- per day will be charged. If the fee is not paid for two months continuously the student will be expelled from the school and he/she will have to take re-admission to sit into the class.